BP's SNAFU and the nuclear energy path forward
If anything could reasonably prompt a diary - and h*ll, it's been two+ years of viewing, commenting and recommending for me, so it's about time - this seems like a worthy event during which to indulge...
View ArticleMy too brief friendship with Joe
He was already quite sick when we formally met and had the first chance to actually talk. His wife and mine had been friends and traded emails for years, usually regarding club business in the...
View ArticleChaplin's contemporary relevance - "The Great Dictator"
The interaction of historical perspective and appreciation of foresight have always struck me.As a non-political, personal example, I happen to like (all right, love..) cars, especially older models....
View ArticleStop the Redistribution of Wealth. Oops - too late.
[I realize I asked a lot of rhetorical questions in this diary. I think I banged my head into the wall too many times this weekend. Felt good to vent, though. And.. I installed/bled the car's clutch...
View ArticleLabor, cars, unions - und Deutschland über alles?
First, you should really read dolfin66's diary, which provided the intersection of the main topics of my title. My comment there is slightly expanded here. That diary is far wider in scope, and more...
View ArticleRushing to judgment - MotorTrend's COTY / Volt
Before the firing squad locks and loads, allow me to state in my defense that I personally think Rush Limbaugh, along with his televised doppelgangers, O'Reilly and Beck, all embody the integrity and...
View ArticleDoes DDoS (Koch) = eCivil Disobedience & good judgement? (w/ poll)
I can't deny that DDoS attacks skirt the edge of anarchy, given the critical importance of the network-reliant, continuous connectivity required for supporting the world's business and social...
View ArticleFinding those words/slogans - Repubs, FAA.. faceplant?
Not sure why this is happening exactly now. Lack of sleep, probably. Maybe it's because dealing with medical institutions for the last week demonstrates everything that is both right (the people) and...
View ArticleElection-interuptus - as Trump remains in the race ..
..my wife’s one sentence summary:The Trump who should have withdrawn… was his father. Too bad neither of us tweet.Stay safe, out there.Heh.;-)..now, where did I leave my torches and villagers?
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